SCCM : To fix the upgrade issue from 1802 to 1810 CB

How to troubleshoot while getting issue on upgrade of SCCM CB.

Some times we saw upgrade stuck on Downloading below is the step I mentioned in order to fix this issue.

1)To fix this you can reset the particular package GUID running CMUpdateReset.exe

2) You can start the SQL Management studio and run this query command line and select the all Package GUID together and delete it.

SELECT * FROM CM_CAS.dbo.CM_UpdatePackages
where PackageGuid=’454B3508-4387-4106-9441-283495DEC3EC’ or PackageGuid=’f420d72a-4a0b-40b2-b4d8-275489cc32d0′ or PackageGuid=’6c34f799-8ab9-46e4-a9c6-ff3e84c64829′;

DELETE FROM CM_CAS.dbo.CM_UpdatePackages
where PackageGuid=’454B3508-4387-4106-9441-283495DEC3EC’ or PackageGuid=’f420d72a-4a0b-40b2-b4d8-275489cc32d0′ or PackageGuid=’6c34f799-8ab9-46e4-a9c6-ff3e84c64829′;

3) Restart the SMS_Executive Service and Check the DMPDownloader.log file .

4) Open SCCM Console and see the status. If the issue is Failed to Extract the payload cab of package

You need to check the permission of the Easysetuppayload permission and the network path permission.

I believe this is helpful to fix the upgrade issue on SCCM.

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